Found Films: separate site

Given the continuous increase in the years of my found films collection and the long work of development, archiving and cataloging that, with slowness, is almost coming to an end, a subdomain dedicated to sharing only these images has been added and will progressively be filled up over the next few months to replace the…

Found films-part II

A new roundup of found films … Found film # 3: Kodachrome 135 This is not properly a found film because the box was found with slides that were already been processed and framed but, these slides allows you to understand at least part of the reason for the veneration that many photographers have had…

Belair X 6-12

Since the first announcement of this camera Lomography provoked many discussions and a general sense of anticipation for a product that was presented as a real crack: compact folding, auto exposure, and interchangeable lenses three different frame sizes on medium format film, including the rare (and usually expensive) 6×12. These were  the awesome credentials that…

Pinhole Cameras DIY Guide

  Title Pinhole cameras – a Do It Yourself guide Author Chris Keeney Edition Princeton Architectural Press Year 2011 Format 22,5 x 16,5 cm Pages 191 Price 19,95 $ Cover Stiff cardboard, canvas back, metal spiral inside ISBN 9781568989891 To gain experience and maybe prepare the equipment for the next Pinhole Day, here it is…

Minolta PROD 20s

HISTORICAL NOTES In the last few years main photo brands designers tend to recreate shapes and retro design adapted to modern digital cameras: since the introduction of the new Olympus PEN and, above all, with the launch of the Fujifilm X100, a clear message on how the ergonomics and style of the old film cameras…

Lens mounts sizes and registers

You may find yourself  wanting to use a lens belonging to a particular photographic system on a camera made by another manufacturer and then not compatible (in the digital world it happens quite often, especially with mirrorless cameras); this is the typycal situation in which help comes from the adapter rings, which are today quite…