Durst Laborator 1000
Durata Laborator 1000 is a larghe format enlarger (up to 4×5) which is one of the most advantageous solutions to enter the world of darkroom printing
Durata Laborator 1000 is a larghe format enlarger (up to 4×5) which is one of the most advantageous solutions to enter the world of darkroom printing
Availability on the market, new products and divestitures, andamaneot and perspectives of analog photography in 2021
Launched with a virtually instant Kickstarter campaign, Lomography proposes its own version of the camera for the Instax Square format, the Lomo ' Instant Square, which is widely available from January 2018.
126 is not generally the film format which carry the finest quality but, there are some piece of equipment which are truly gems. You can see here some of them.
How to see George Nelson is a guide to understand and codify symbols and signs in the reality that surrounds us.
Rolleiflex SL26, a very unusual reflex. Spartan but solid, with excellent optics but using a purely amateur film format.